ideal weight

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

ideal weight : See Yourself Losing Weight

One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire?

You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight, or more importantly, not being able to lose weight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with weight loss... and keeping it off.

This is called physcological reversal. You say you want something, but your inner mind says just the opposite. You say you want to lose weight, but your mind says "it's too hard", "I can't do that", "never been able to do it, why now" or any other belief you've let settle in to your mind the past.

These beliefs in one way or another you've 'accepted' at some time in the past. You see, your subsconcious mind accepts anything you pass to it. It doesn't judge, analyze, reason, filter... nothing, it just accepts. If you've accepted in the past that it's too difficult to lose weight (for any reason), then almost any attempt to lose weight will fail unless you replace that negative belief.

Once you replace any old beliefs about weight loss, you can "picture" yourself at your ideal weight. And now, thanks to high tech, you can even do it right on your computer! Just visit and you can see your before and after pictures in almost real time! Brilliant idea. Just upload a current picture of yourself and the software will create a picture of what you you'll look like at your ideal weight (or a close resemblence). And by the way, it's free.

Keep the photo in a place where you can see it often and imagine yourself and how good you feel, the things you'll be doing and all the good feelings associated with your "new you".

You CAN do it!

Mark Idzik reports on natural and alternative health and is an author and health coach helping his clients lose weight and make better health choices. Receive 37 free weight loss tips by visiting his site:

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ideal weight : Bulimia Nervosa

Eating disorders can be classified into three types - anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and obesity. The first two deals with women who are extremely conscious with the way they look, hence trying to maintain a very light weight bordering on malnutrition. The last one is an uncontrollable compulsion for eating thus leading to a weight that is way above their ideal weight.

On one hand, anorexia nervosa is a condition wherein the person suffering from it is constantly afraid of gaining weight. On the other hand, one afflicted with bulimia nervosa has the tendency to go on a binge or consuming lots of food over a short period of time, then later on tries to purge herself so as to prevent putting on additional weight. Purging may be done in any of the following methods - throwing up or the use of pills such as laxatives so that digested food is right away expelled from the body.

Bulimia nervosa generally affects the female populace who is more conscious with their appearance. Normally, bulimics, or people suffering from bulimia nervosa, are teenagers or young women. Bingeing as well purging are done in secrecy, as they are ashamed and disgusted with their attitude of eating so much and then throwing it all up. In addition to purging, a bulimic usually follows a strict diet and exercise as a way to maintaining her ideal weight. Someone with bulimia nervosa is harder to detect than an anorexic since the former may have a normal weight or can be underweight or overweight while the latter is apparently underweight.

What triggers a person to suffer from bulimia nervosa cannot be pinpointed exactly as it is the result of a number of factors. This is an eating disorder that deals with food but is not all about the consumption of it. A young girl who lacks confidence in the way she looks has the tendency to be dissatisfied with her body thus she tries to do something about it. Though she enjoys eating a great amount of food, she feels guilty afterwards about her weight. This is the reason why she resorts to purging after every meal and running to the bathroom to do it. Becoming bulimic may also be tied to the family's health history such that it is not surprising to find a family where eating disorders are common among the members.

The occurrence of bulimia nervosa can be prevented and in case you are already suffering from it, you can be cured. Seeking medical attention should be your priority as the health professionals are in a better position to evaluate your condition. Your doctor will be able to evaluate you properly so that the necessary medications and therapies will be administered to you. You will probably have to take supplements in order to replenish your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The support as well as the encouragement of your family is very important as you may need someone to talk to about how you are feeling while suffering from this eating disorder. The road to recovery will be difficult as relapses may occur, but self-control and perseverance should play key roles in beating this disorder.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Eating Disorders

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Friday, July 28, 2006

ideal weight : Losing Weight For Life

Losing weight is the topic on many of our minds. If its so important, why do so many of us fail in our weight loss efforts? Well, while I do want you to like who you are, fat and all, I will not say what people want to hear if it’s not the truth. You’re here because you want to change your body. I’ll say what they need to hear to do that very thing. So if you have been working out for a few months and you haven’t seen any changes, then there is a problem with what you are doing. If your not working out, but think your on a great body changing program, you can stop right here. You’re overweight because you’re inactive.

What I have come to understand is that many people are smart enough to know what needs to be done to change their bodies. What I also understand now thanks to my experience with others that are overweight is that knowledge is not what makes us succeed when trying to lose fat. It’s putting that knowledge into practice. So if people know what needs to be done to change their bodies, why are they not doing it?

One reason is because the bad habits that made them overweight somehow makes them feel better now than they think they will once they lose weight. In other words, immediate satisfaction. We all know that most things that are worth having in life take effort. If this is you, than learning about discipline is your first step. The other is that its easier to be overweight now and enjoy your bad habits than it is to put in the effort on a fat loss program if your not 100% sure that this program your on will help you lose fat. You’ve tried to lose weight before right? Your still here looking for answers too. That tells me two things. First, you have unresolved personal issues that need to be dealt with professionally because you have adopted unhealthy habits that help you mask your personal pain. Second, you’re still overweight.

So if you have tried weight loss programs before, (more than you care to admit) and you haven’t lost weight, do you think there is a problem with every one of those fat loss programs? Or do you think maybe the lack of results lies within? Don’t turn away, this is facing the facts time if you want to change your life.

You see here is the problem I face. As a personal trainer working with people who want to lose weight, I have the knowledge to do this. But they have to use it in order to lose weight, I can’t move for you (yes I’m talking directly to you). I’m writing this with you in mind. How can I be talking to you without knowing you? Because everyone that wants to lose weight faces the same personal demons. I know you. You are my living.

Nothing happens on a weight loss program without movement! It takes calories to move, and using calories is the heart and soul of a weight loss program. Now I’ve told you that in order to lose weight you must move. Are you going to move or sit there and stay overweight?

If you are still sitting there overweight, read on.

Another reason that people cant break the bad habits that are holding them back is because at some point something or someone did or said something to this person that has preprogrammed them to think bad things about themselves. Things like: your fat, your over weight, you will never lose weight, and you’re big boned. Programmed to think that in some way you are flawed and doomed to a life with some sort of shortcoming that makes fat loss impossible for you! You are living out life overweight because someone somewhere did something that scared you. You are allowing someone's none caring actions to affect your life! You have let someone control and undermine what you are capable of becoming. Don’t. To the person that said something to you..."to h-e-double hockey sticks" with them! Go ahead say it! It’s time to get tough.

T-F-A-R Thoughts lead to feelings causing actions that create your results.

Those people don't know what your cable of or how perfect of a person you are, and you know what? Neither do you. Not until you do your very best will you know what you can achieve when you truly apply your self to a serious fat loss lifestyle. If this person told you that you are weak willed, fat, ugly, or lazy, then that's their perception of you. That's not you. You are and can be so much more.

Let me set the record straight right here right now. You are not a special genetic freak. If you are human (and I hope you are, if not “live long and prosper”) then you can lose weight. Read that again. If you are human, you can lose weight.

If you continue to believe that you are destined to be overweight, then you will fight with your inner self to be anything better. In essence if you change and stop feeling lazy, weak willed or fat ect, you will loose your old identity. The “fat ego” has a way of wanting to self preserve (even though outwardly you want to lose weight, you really do), so it will fight you. This is why change is hard. This is why starting a new fat loss life style will be a challenge. You must recreate yourself and become something more wonderful and beautiful than before.... lose your old self and create a better you. Step up and become involved with life. Do not stand on the sidelines any longer. Fight that “fat ego voice” that wants to keep you down. Other people (even family who are often the cause of your personal pain) will get in the way. Obstacles and challenges will come. But this is about you and fixing yourself. You have to come first sometime. Now is the time.

Copyright 2006 Raymond Burton

Ray Burton is the author of FAT TO FIT and owner of the fitness website where you can get his book. If you need support or your weight loss journey take a walk over to our support forum here

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ideal weight : Weight Loss Camps

Obesity is slowly becoming an issue that more and more people have to contend with. As people’s lifestyles change due to developments in technology and home entertainment, the temptation of living a sedentary lifestyle is becoming more attractive. A sector that has been adversely affected by this lifestyle are children, who are now spending less time outdoors to play and who choose to stay at home to watch cartoons, play video games and surf the Net. Some of the adverse effects that these children go through include having to face health risks. Child obesity has been proven to lead to various diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which are due to improper nutrition and lack of exercise.

A Possible solution

Apart from enrolling your child in a gym or making him do a certain sport, there is a viable option that you can take, which will provide your child with a weight loss program in a summer camp setting. Weight loss camps were created to specifically help children lose weight in a fun and educational way. This is because in weight loss camps, you can be assured that your child will be provided with the proper nutrition as well as encouraged to participate in activities such as sports that help him become healthier and more aware of health issues. Apart from these, weight loss camps also help children with weight problems build a better self-image and self-esteem so they can better deal with the emotional aspect of having weight problems over the long term. This can also help your child have the discipline to continue the program and live a healthier lifestyle even after he leaves the camp.

One of the best ways to address your child’s obesity is to enroll him in a weight loss camp. This is because these camps offer fun and educational programs that are designed to help your child live a healthier lifestyle. These programs do not only include physical activities but also educational activities that can help your child become healthier and make healthy choices even after camp.

Camp provides detailed information on Camps, Summer Camps, Day Camps, Weight Loss Camps and more. Camp is affiliated with Summer School Programs.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ideal weight : Adam Waxler's Top Five Diet Foods

As the owner of several weight loss ebooks and weight loss web sites I am often asked, “What are the best all around diet foods?”

My first response is to tell people that there are no magic diet foods that will help you lose weight fast, and it is important to understand that most people must make lifestyle changes that include a permanent change in their diet (not a fad diet, or temporary diet), and exercise must play a role in any weight loss program.

Once people understand these basic elements to any weight loss program I feel much better explaining to them what I believe are the best diets foods in existence because what you eat will have a big effect on how quickly you lose weight, and more importantly, how long you keep the weight off.

There are certain foods that you really should be eating on a regular basis. They come from all food categories, but every one of these diet foods has one thing in common: they pack a lot of nutritional punch into their calories. Here's a list of five diet foods that will help you stay healthy and lose weight.

1. Whole grain breads

If you've been paying attention to latest weight loss fads, you know that carbs are the current diet buster. Many weight loss programs claim that if you just stay away from all carbs you'll lose weight no matter what else you eat. That's not only wrong, it's downright dangerous for both your health and your diet.

Instead of cutting out carbs, you should be aiming to reduce carbs to a healthy portion of your diet - which most doctors agree is about 50-60% of your caloric intake. That means that if you're on a 1500 calorie a day diet, you should be striving to get about 900 calories a day from grains, fruits and vegetables. Whole grain breads pack a lot of nutritional value. Replace your two slices of white toast with 1/2 a cup of oatmeal or whole grain cereal, and for about the same number of calories, you'll be getting three times the vitamins, amino acids and roughage that your body needs to function. You'll feel full far longer, too - because you've given your body something to work on that will take a while to digest.

2. Fish

Eat at least three servings of fish per week. Fish is low in fat, is high in protein, and provides something that most other proteins don't - omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is one of the main building blocks in your cells. If your body doesn't get enough Omega 3 fatty acids, it will try to build cells from other fatty acids. The problem is that those cells are not as flexible, and not quite the right shape. Among the cells that aren't quite right are the ones in your brain that help control impulses and tell your body what it needs. By providing enough Omega 3 fatty acids for your body to use, you'll be healing the damage done through years of poor diet. And since fish, as a general rule, has fewer calories than most meats, you'll be saving calories as well. Just remember that you're replacing portions of meat with fish, not adding them to what you already eat.

3. Spinach

Spinach is one of the lowest cost sources of nutrition you can give your body with 13 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrate in 2 cups of chopped raw spinach. Every serving gives you folic acid, manganese, beta-carotene, protein, lutein (a potent anti-oxidant), magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin K. You can eat it raw in salads, steamed as a side dish, or sautéed in a tiny bit of oil for a different taste, and still get all the nutritional benefits.

4. Olive Oil

Have you every heard of the Mediterranean diet? Well, as it turns out, olive oil is a mono-unsaturated fat that is the primary source of fat in the so-called Mediterranean diet. Your body does need a little fat to process vitamins and use them properly. It contains antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene and vitamin E, among other things. One tablespoon has a whopping 125 calories, but drizzled on a 13 calorie spinach salad with a little lemon juice and some garlic, you still have a meal with less than 150 calories - and a whole lot of healthy fuel for your body.

5. Pink Grapefruit

With only 40 calories in half a grapefruit, you're getting 45 mg of vitamin C, lycopene, pectin, beta-carotene and potassium. It's versatile and tasty. Eat it as is for breakfast, or toss it into a salad with spinach for an extra punch to perk up the nutritional quality of your diet.

As stated earlier, the best weight loss plan combines a healthy lifelong diet with daily exercise. And, your diet should not be based around any single one ingredient. The best way to lose weight is to eat a healthy variety of foods to make sure that you get all the essential nutrients that you need each day. The diet foods mentioned above are five of the best diet foods that should be included as part of any weight loss program and diet plan.

Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

About The Author
Adam Waxler publishes a series of weight loss information products including his new weight loss resource filled with with FREE weight loss articles and tips @

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ideal weight : Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement

Basically, there are two types of diabetes, 1 and 2. Type 1 is much less common than Type 2, and occurs before the age of 40.

Type 1 is associated with a lack of insulin, and without enough insulin you cannot maintain a normal blood glucose level. This in turn causes hyperglycemia, or an overabundance of sugar in the blood. This is a dangerous condition.

Type 2 is much more common, and develops later in life, usually when someone is overweight, and with poor diet and physical condition. Heredity plays a big role as well.

In Type 2, the problem is resistance to insulin rather than the lack of insulin. The result is the same however, an elevated blood sugar level

The diets and suggestions below are generally for Type 2 sufferers. There are four basic rules to follow:

Achieving an ideal body weight

Following a diabetic diet

Regular daily exercise

Diabetic medication if needed

Your doctor will know your ideal weight. Ideal weight differs from one’s skeletal and genetic (and racial) factors. Let a doctor give you your ideal weight and then you must work to achieve it.

The diabetic diet (as guidelines) is outlined below.

Daily exercise, especially walking is very good for Type 2 diabetics.

Your doctor will have given you some medication. Take it per the prescription instructions.

The Diet

People with Type 2 diabetes generally are put on a 1500-1800 calorie diet per day to promote weight loss and then the maintenance of ideal body weight.

This always varies according to the person's age, sex, activity level, current weight and body type. More obese individuals will need more calories initially until their weight is less.

This is because it takes more calories to maintain a larger body and a 1600 calorie diet for them may promote weight loss that is too fast and will promote complications. Also, people whose activity level is low will have less daily caloric needs.

The diet will generally have about 50% carbohydrates of the daily calories (with an acceptable range from 40 to 60%).

As a general rule the lower the carbohydrate intake the lower the sugar levels in the blood. The benefits of the low calorie diet can be cancelled out by the problems associated with a higher fat diet substituted for the lower amount of carbohydrates. You can counter this by substituting monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats.

Count your carbohydrates!

You can figure that each gram of carbohydrate is about 4 calories. A diabetic on a 1600 calorie diet should get 50% of these calories from carbohydrate.

This would be a total of 800 calories or 200 gms of carbohydrate (at 4 calories per gram) spread out over the day. You will need food tables (from diet books and also read those labels in all foods you buy).

There are some foods that you are able to enjoy without counting their food values. A good example is:

Bouillon or broth
Carbonated or mineral water
Club soda
Coffee or tea
Diet soft drinks
Drink mixes, sugar-free
Tonic water, sugar free
Sugar-free hard candy
Sugar-free Jell-O
Sugar-free gum
Jam or jelly, light or low-sugar, 2 tsp.
Sugar free syrup, 2 tsp.

You can eat foods with some sugar in it, but it will use up both your calories and carbohydrate requirements with poor nutritional value. Go for fruit. People with diabetes can eat any kind of fruit, regardless of the sugar content.

Everyone is encouraged to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Spreading the fruit you eat through the day will avoid a sudden rise in blood glucose levels.

Although some fruits have a lower glycogenic index, which shows how foods affect blood glucose levels, the important thing is to increase the amount of fruit you eat, including a wide variety of different fruits. Eating lots of fruit will also promote good heath and weight loss.

You can also eat as many vegetables as you wish.

None are forbidden except if you classify a potato as a vegetable. It is not. The goal here is to eat only the best quality foods, have 50% of your calories from carbohydrates, and then lose weight till you achieve the ideal.

Along with these diet guidelines and your medication, you can look forward to a healthy and normal life.

For More FREE info

On Diabties diets and other tips to improve your diet and overall health, visit our website for articles features and downloads

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Monday, July 24, 2006

ideal weight : Plan Your Weight Loss

Sometimes people become unaware of the fact that weight loss and improved fitness is not a matter of one night affair. Gaining weight is termed as an easier task then loosing it. When it comes to loose weight they somewhat punish their health by undergoing various weight loss programs at a time. They don’t even care to find out at what stage their weight problem is.

Going on a weight loss routine without any plan can hamper one’s health drastically. It may lead to various other health hazards. Dieticians believe that obesity is a chronic disease and often requires medical treatment. A planed weight loss routine with a medicine can help a person to sustain and promote weight loss.

On this context, Phentermine proves to be very productive according to various dieticians. Even a proven track record is available regarding the affects of Phentermine. It is mild and is recommended especially for short term treatment for obesity. Though in US it is found under various brand names like Adipex-P and Ionamin, but it is also available as a generic medication-Phentermine. It comes in the form of capsules and tablets and in strength of 15mg, 30mg and 37.5mg.

Phentermine diet pills works by suppressing our appetite via affecting our hypothalamus gland in our brain. So rather than going on a diet it helps alter our physiological metabolic system so that we no longer have the urge to eat randomly and without control.

Since Phentermine diet pills are a form of drug, taking Phentermine may result in various form of side effects. Some of its common side affects include constipation, irregular bowel movements, dizziness and also runny or stuffy nose. But clinical trails have proved these to be mild and reversible and no major side effects are recorded till date. But doses may change depending on one’s obesity situation. So for safety measures it is advisable to get it prescribed it from a genuine dietician.

So, when nothing seems to go in your ways just plan your daily routine by adding A Phentermine to it before breakfast.

Joseph Jones received training as a healthcare scientist. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for weight loss subject. To find Phentermine, Cheap phentermine, Diet pills, Phentermine diet pills visit

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ideal weight : Gain a Healthy Life Through Xenical

No doubt Obesity or overweight is a major problem that is engulfing the entire world in a very voluptuous manner. The more people are trying to avoid it the more they are getting prone to it. But, has anybody tried to find out the reasons behind it? After a serious of extensive results dieticians proved that majority of the masses are suffering form it due to irregular and unhealthy food habits. But, the fact is that today’s world has become so workaholic that people hardly gets time to keep a check on their food habits and thinking about a schedule exercise remains a dreams forever.

On the other hand being overweight increases the risk of various health diseases. Heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension are a few to mention. So it will be a wise and cleaver step to keep overweight and excess fats as far as possible.

After a series of extensive research it has been found that use of a proper medicine or a diet pill can be very result oriented. Of late one such medicine, Xenical is gripping the weight loss market with a significant pace. Xenical diet pill is found to be completely different from various other diet pills available in the market. FDA trails have proved it to very effective in the process of fat loss and overweight by suppressing our appetite.

Xenical is indicated in conjunction with a mildly hypocaloric diet for the treatment of obesity and also with it’s associated risk factors. A person should be on a nutritionally balanced multivitamin diet with a bit of jogging through out its course. Generally the recommended dose for a slightly obsessed patient is 120mg capsule three times a day and which should be taken before one hour of each meal.

However clinical trails have no prove of overdose but found some mild side affects at the initial stage of its usage. But to determine whether one is a right candidate for Xenical, it’s always recommended for a doctor’s advice.

Joseph Jones received training as a healthcare scientist. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for weight loss subject. To find Buy Xenical, Cheap phentermine, Diet pills visit

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ideal weight : Problems with the Devine Formula for Ideal Body Weight

As descibed above, the Devine IBW formula suggests ideal body weight values that are too low in women generally and impossibly low in short women. Since the Devine formula is used by hundreds (perhaps thousands) of websites to suggest goals for weight loss, it is important to point out its limitations. The other formulas are rarely (if ever) seen on websites.

The Robinson and Miller formulas would perform poorly for tall men. The best compromise, in my opinion, is to use the Devine formula for Men, and use the Robinson formula for Women. In Men, the average suggested weight by the Devine formula, would give a BMI of 23.0. In Women, the average suggested weight by the Robinson formula, would give a BMI of 21.1.

However, these formulas have no method to compensate for Age and Current Weight. They are only based on Height. For people who are very overweight or obese, the Devine, Robinson and Miller formulas would suggest an ideal weight that is virtually impossible to achieve or maintain through dieting.

by Steven B. Halls, MD. Copyright

ideal weight : About arithmetic formulas for calculating ideal body weight

The history of the formulas for calculating ideal body weight began in 1871 when Dr. P.P. Broca4 (a French surgeon) created this formula ( known as Broca's index):

Weight (in kg) should equal Height( in cm) - 100, plus or minus 15% for women or 10% for men.

An unknown person translated Broca's formula into pounds and inches, and modified it to create this improved simple rule:

"For women, allow 100 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5lbs for each additional inch. For men, allow 110 lbs for the first 5 feet and 5 lbs for each additional inch"1.

These formulas pre-dated and probably influenced development of the Metropolitan Life tables of height and weight. As discussed on another page, the Met Life tables were created in 1943, and were commonly used by the 1970s as a surrogate indicator of desirable or "ideal" body weight. Thus, the Met life tables strongly influenced the subsequent development of other formulas.

Dr. BJ Devine published the following formula in 1974, which basically converted the above simple rule from pounds to kilograms, for medical use:

men: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 50 + 2.3 kg per inch over 5 feet.
women: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 45.5 + 2.3 kg per inch over 5 feet.

This "Devine formula" was intended to be used to calculate the dosage of certain medications such as gentamicin, digoxin and theophylline. But after its publication, the formula became much more widely used.. In fact, the Devine formula is the most commonly used formula on the internet for ideal body weight. It appears on MANY HUNDREDS of javascript calculator pages!

Later in 1983, Dr. JD Robinson discovered through correpondence with Dr. Devine, that the Devine equations were not based on any defined population data. Instead, they were apparently based on estimates from Dr. M. McCarron, who was Dr. Devine's mentor1.

Now, in modern times, we can examine the Devine formulas more scientifically, and compare them to current knowledge. The following charts show the Devine formula compared to the average weight2 and lean body mass3 of the American population.

The "Lean Body Weight" refers to the weight of all of the body's organs, bone and muscles, WITHOUT FAT. As you can see, the women's formula gets too close to the Lean Body Weight, in short women.

The Devine formula suggests an ideal weight, which would create an average Body Mass Index of 23.0 kg/m2 in the adult Male population, (which is appropriate), but for women, it suggests an ideal weight that would create an average Body Mass Index of 20.8 kg/m2 in the adult Female population, which is too low.

In 1983, Dr. JD Robinson published a modification of the formula5, and Dr. DR Miller published a different modification.

Robinson: Men: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 52 kg + 1.9 kg for each inch over 5 feet

Women: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 49 kg + 1.7 kg for each inch over 5 feet

Miller Men: Ideal Body Weight (in kilgrams) = 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg for each inch over 5 feet

Women: Ideal Body Weight (in kilograms) = 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg for each inch over 5 feet.

by Steven B. Halls, MD. Copyright

Thursday, July 13, 2006

ideal weight : It's Not Always What You Eat, But What You Don't Eat

On a little island half way in between Guam and the Philippines there is a rampant epidemic affecting the inhabitants. This tiny island of approximately 8,200 people is not afflicted with famine or a deadly disease as you might think when talking about an epidemic... the islanders are dying at much earlier ages that at any other time in their history. They have alarmingly high rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.


Well, the people on this island used to make their living by farming, growing bananas and coconut and lots of fishing. They used to walk everywhere, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and had lots of daily activity.

Now, with the introduction of "western culture" and the destruction of their normal behavior, the islanders now drive to their computer jobs in mostly cramped offices and eat a diet of highly processed "prepared" foods imported from the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

As you can see, exporting the "American diet" of quick and easy processed food and lack of activity has taken a healthy and active island population, and turned it into a mini version of America, along with the associated rates of obesity and disease.

--It's What You Don't Eat

You see, when losing weight, we're not only talking about weight loss, we're also talking about better health. It's hard to lose weight without taking steps to increase your healthy habits... right?

One of the most important and effective ways to lose weight and get healthier is to avoid two groups of foods.

Both of these foods have been directly linked to deteriorating health and specifically weight gain and obesity. The unhealthy ingredients in these foods have steadily (and secretly) been used in greater amounts over the last 20 years... and we haven't known it. More importantly, we haven't known the hidden dangers of eating them.

The first group of foods to avoid are those that contain "Trans Fats".

Also know as TFA's or Trans Fatty Acids, they are found in partially hydrogenated oils... manufactured and unhealthy fats. They are a silent killer hidden in our food, and have been directly linked to the skyrocketing rates of obesity in both adults and children worldwide.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that banning trans fats from all foods would save at least 30,000 lives each year in the US alone. That's 82-274 needless deaths every day. The web site shows an alarmingly clear statistical increase in obesity over the last 20 years as trans fats have become a growing part of our American diet.

The government has admitted that manufactured trans fats have no safe level for human consumption! That's zero. There is no safe level of consumption at all, but it's still in a large percentage of the products we eat every day.

In American, we spend 90% of our food budget on processed foods. The government reports that over 40% of foods found in an average grocery store contain trans fats. Most fast foods contain trans fats. Snacks, chips, candy bars, cookies, crackers, commercial baked goods, pastries and cakes... almost all processed foods contain trans fats.

In the example of the island population above, the effects of eating processed foods and lack of activity turned a healthy population into one with alarming rates of obesity and disease.

How can we avoid trans fats and their effects? What do we look out for?

1) Become a label reader.

Read the ingredient labels of foods you buy and look for "partially hydrogenated". If you see those words, avoid that food. Any food that contains "partially hydrogenated" anything is unhealthy and will negatively affect your weight loss program.

Some common foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils are:

-candy bars
-commercially baked pastries
-processed foods
-most fast foods
-cake mixes

Bottom line, you can't lose weight and regularly eat foods containing partially hydrogenated oils.

2) Ask questions.

When eating out, ask if the foods you are ordering contain "partially hydrogenated oil" or "trans fats".

3) Look for alternatives.

The good news is that because of more media exposure about the dangers of "trans fats", companies are starting to replace "partially hydrogenated oils" with alternative ingredients and creating healthier versions of some of your favorite products.

Restaurants are starting to add more natural oils and are removing partially hydrogenated oils from their kitchens. Ask about it when eating out.

Try to get as many "whole" foods into your diet. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats and avoid processed, prepared and fast foods as much as possible.

Avoiding these hidden oils in the food you eat every day alone will make a significant impact on your health, and specifically in reaching your weight loss goals. Add a few lifestyle changes and imagine where you will be on your journey towards better health next month.

by Mark Idzik

ideal weight : Are You Trying To Lose Weight? Don't!

Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right?

Actually, there's a good reason.

You see, you can't try to lose weight. Don't believe me?

OK, let's use an example. Look around where you are sitting right now and find a small object. Perhaps a pen, envelope or book. Got it?

Now, try to pick it up. Go ahead.

Is it in your hand? If it is, well, then you didn't try, you actually picked it up. If it's not in your hand, you didn't.

Simple, right?

There's no middle ground in doing. You can't "try" to do anything, it's a fallacy. You either do it, or don't do it.

The same applies to losing weight (or anything else for that matter). Saying that you'll try gives your mind fuzzy instructions, and it will return fuzzy results, results that aren't what you really want. It also gives you a "way out" if you don't achieve the goals you set out to reach.

You see, your subconscious mind doesn't interpret your directions, it just goes to work following them as complete truth. When you say you'll "try to lose weight", it will "try" to follow your instructions, which we now know is impossible.

What in fact you want, (if you really do) is to lose weight. To feel better. To have more energy. To overcome health challenges. To look great.

Now, if you say you want to lose weight and are not successful, or continue to use language that includes words like "try" or "we'll see" or "maybe", perhaps you're wired backwards.

What does that mean? Well, maybe you say that you want to lose weight, but your mind says it doesn't. Somewhere along the way you gave your mind instructions that it's too hard, or impossible, to lose the weight you want. Perhaps you're more comfortable where you are now, but know that it's the right thing to say that you want to lose weight. If this is the case, ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are at odds with what you want. For example, "it's too hard to lose weight", "it's impossible to lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I'd have to exercise all the time", "I'll lose my friends if I lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I've always failed".

Ask yourself if in fact they are true. are they making your life easier, or more difficult? Do these beliefs serve you or harm you?

Then, replace the old beliefs with new ones. Positive, confident statements about how you want to look and feel.

The best way to lose weight is to avoid saying you'll "try" to lose weight, and say you "will" lose weight. See yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how great you look and feel. Use positive language and give your mind specific instructions like "I'm now happily at my ideal weight of (number of pounds) weight" or "I now happily choose to wear a size (your ideal size)".

Watch your language and self talk closely and avoid using "try". It may take constant attention at the beginning, but after a short time, you'll get used to keeping your language positive, upbeat and confident.

Your weight loss results will follow immediately, depending on how confident, committed and persistent you are in applying these exercises. The more confident, committed and persistent, the faster your results will appear.

by mark idzik

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ideal weight : Do You Know Your Body Mass Index?

For some, the need to lose weight is clear. Those whose body weight places them into the obese or morbidly obese categories are well aware that they are carrying too many pounds. But what about the borderline overweight? Is that ten pounds over the ideal weight raising your risk of health complications? Are you just 'big-boned'? How do you decide if you really need to lose weight - and how much you need to lose?

Doctors have a number of different ways to measure the need to lose weight. Long gone are the years when they relied on an insurance company chart of 'ideal weights'. The most commonly used measure is the body mass index (BMI). The BMI measures your weight relative to your height. It is generally an accurate representation of muscle-to-fat ratio, though there are some limitations.

1. It may overestimate the BMI of an athletic person, because muscle is denser and weighs more than fat.

2. It may underestimate the BMI of an older person, or others who have low muscle mass.

There are many BMI calculators available online that will allow you to check your own BMI. The table for determining risk factors associated with obesity is:

Below 18.5 - Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 - Normal
25.0 - 29.9 - Overweight
30.0 and up - Obese

If your BMI is above 25.0, your doctor or other medical professional can advise you on the best weight loss plan for you. You should know that there are great benefits to losing even a moderate amount of weight. Some of those include:

* Lowering your risk of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, a weight loss of as little as 10 pounds can decrease the chances of pre-diabetes developing into diabetes by 58%.
* Lower your risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association states that coronary problems are directly correlated to weight. By losing weight to bring your BMI to within normal ranges, you significantly lower your risk of developing heart problems.
* Reduce your risk of arthritis and pain from arthritis. A number of forms of arthritis are related to weight. Losing weight substantially decreases the strain that additional weight places you your knees, hips, back and ankles.

Are you motivated to get started? Here are three ways that you can start losing weight today:

Get active.

If you do nothing different in your life but exercise for one half hour daily, you will lose 5-7% of your body weight per year.

Cut out white breads and sugars.

Substitute whole grains for refined flours and sugars, and you'll automatically reduce the number of calories that you consume daily.

Eat more fresh vegetables.

Fresh vegetables, especially raw, are a significant source of many of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs daily. They're high in nutrition, while low in calories. By increasing the amount of fresh vegetables that you eat and reducing the amount of processed, refined foods, you'll cut calories and carbohydrates significantly.

by Kirsten Hawkins

ideal weight : Calculating Your Body Mass Index

Physical health can be measured (with certain exceptions) through the appropriateness of a person's weight to his height; where the body weight refers to the measure of one's heaviness and the height is the measure of his tallness. For instance, a woman measuring 5 ft high (1.52 m), with a medium body frame should weigh between 103 lbs to 115 lbs (46.72 kg to 52.16 kg) to be considered healthy.

Another example: a man standing 5 ft 8 in (1.72 m) tall, with a large body frame is healthy if he is weighing between 144 lbs to 163 lbs (65.32 kg to 73.94 kg). Otherwise, if their weight is lower than the desired body weight for their height, they are considered underweight. And if, in turn, their weight is higher than the desired body weight for their height, they are said to be overweight.

body mass index is an indicator of surplus body fat and has since replaced the height-weight charts as mentioned in the above examples. It is a mathematical ratio of height to weight that is used to determine body composition (or body fat percentage) to assess a person's level of health risk. calculating BMI is as follows:

BMI = Weight (in kg) divided by Height (in m)2orBMI = Weight (in lbs) x 700 divided by Height (in inches)2
For example, the calculation for someone weighing 80 kg (176 lbs) and 1.60 m (63 in) tall is:
BMI = 80 divided by 160 squared = 31.2 or
BMI = 176 x 700 divided by 63 squared = 31.1

People with a BMI of 25.1 to 29.9 are considered overweight, and people with a BMI of 30 or above are considered obese. Thus, from the example above, a person weighing 80 kg and is 1.60 m tall is obese. A high BMI assumes a higher percentage of body fat, which places a person at greater risk for developing chronic diseases and other serious illnesses.

BMIWeight Category
19 and underUnderweight
20-25Normal (Healthy)
30 and aboveObese
body weight categories according to BMI

However, for some people, the BMI is not a reliable indication of health. A highly muscled individual who is very fit and healthy may have a somewhat heavy body weight because muscles pack on a lot of pounds. This person may have a high BMI that improperly puts him or her in the overweight or obese categories. Likewise, thin individuals who have a low body weight with very little muscle and a higher percentage of fat may have a normal BMI, which would be an incorrect indication of healthiness.

If you are overweight or obese according to the calculations shown here it is imperative that you undertake a weight loss and fitness program and start bringing that weight down. Remember that for every 10 pounds that you are over your ideal weight, the risks to your health increase and for every 10 pounds that you lose bringing you closer to your ideal weight, the risks to your health decrease.

by Jim O'Neill

Thursday, July 06, 2006

ideal weight : FAT LOSS COACH Keys to losing FAT without losing MUSCLE

1. Cycle fat burning days with recovery days.

The secret to losing fat without losing muscle starts with not being too aggressive or extreme with your reduction of carbohydrates. You need carbohydrate management, not carbohydrate elimination. Over the last 12 years, with more than 10,000 clients I've found by reducing carbohydrates by 20% of daily needs and within 48 hours replenishing the glycogen in the muscle by eating 100% of daily carbohydrate requirements, allows for fat loss, without muscle loss. In essence you have two fat burning days, then a recovery day. By doing this you'll have the best of both worlds. You will experience fat loss that averages between 1-2 pounds weekly, while muscles are being well fed. You never drastically deplete the glycogen stores in the muscle so athletic performance is not affected like on a low carb diet.

2. Exercise on days where you are receiving more carbohydrates.

Exercising on days where muscle are getting more carbohydrates for fuel and taking days off from exercise when you are being aggressive about fat loss. One of the most difficult thoughts for exercisers to accept is that most of the results from exercise come when we are not exercising. They come after we exercise and in direct response to how the muscles receive nutrition after exercise.

3. Exercise 1.5 - 2 hours after eating when blood sugar levels and insulin levels are slowly declining.

As insulin levels increase in response to a rise in blood sugar after a meal, the cells are in an anabolic state ( receiving nutrients ). Insulin is the hormone that feeds are cells. As blood sugar levels drop, insulin levels drop and the pancreas produces the hormone glucagon and nutrients stored in the fat cells are released to the blood and used for energy. The management of this blood sugar rise and drop is important. If blood sugar levels go to high insulin feeds the muscle cells and deposits excess into fat cells. If insulin levels go too low, the muscle cells are being under fed. A slow rise in blood sugar provides good nutrition to the muscles and a slow drop allows glucagon to take from the fat cells. Timing your exercise to this blood sugar decline allows the muscles to receive from the fat cells more effectively. It is important to never exercise without having at least one meal left in your day so that muscles can recuperate from exercise.

Final Thoughts

Long term success managing weight starts with the right approach. If you are overweight, the real problem is that you have too much body fat for how much muscle you possess. A body composition solution is needed, not just a weight loss diet. Your goal should be to lose fat without losing muscle or sacrificing your health in the process. To maintain your results your eating habits must develop life long character. Low carbohydrate diets provide initial weight loss, but at the high cost of losingmuscle and reducing metabolism. They are inadequate sources of fuel to support exercise activity, which is vital in maintaining good health. The risks to your health long term makes low carbohydrate diet's poor solutions for life long weight management.

By Charles Remington

ideal weight : Do Diet Pills Really Work?

You've seen diet pill advertisements… You have read the testimonials claiming diet pills work. You have often wondered - will diet pills work for me?

For fast weight loss, diet pills can work. If you are overweight or obese, using diet pills can help to kick start your weight loss program and help you in attaining your ideal weight.

A word of caution when determining whether diet pills are for you, diet pills are not the final answer to your weight loss concerns. No diet pill will let you eat what you want, not exercise and still lose weight. You many see results short term but the challenge will be keeping it off. You should ensure that your consumption of diet pills is in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise regime. There is medical evidence that diet pills do work to aid in weight loss, but not as a miracle cure. Researchers stress the use of diet pills along with diet and exercise.

Types of Diet Pills

There is a wide variety of diet pills on the market; prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. Here is a brief overview of the different types of diet pills available.

Prescription Diet Pills: Only available with a Doctor's prescription, your Physician will monitor your health and weight loss progress while you are taking the diet pills.

Fat Blockers and Carb Blockers: Inhibits the action of the lipase enzyme. When you eat foods containing fat, lipase breaks down the fat in the intestine. Fat blockers remove some of the fat ingested through bowel movements instead of being broken down and absorbed.

Appetite Suppressants: Affects the appetite-regulating region of the brain. These diet pills decrease your appetite by increasing serotonin, a chemical in the brain that affects mood and appetite.

Over-the-counter Diet Pills: Widely available in your local drugstore, supermarket or online, OTC diet pills are monitored by the FDA for efficacy and product claims. Most OTC diet pills work by increasing your energy while boosting metabolism.

Herbal Diet Pills: Also available without a prescription, herbal diet pills found in health food and nutrition stores. Some of the ingredients in herbal diet pills are very powerful when engineered correctly. Some work better than prescription medications. There are some you can try out free of charge to see it it's right for you. One I would recommend is which can be taken before you go to bed and will not keep you up. It contains no caffeine or stimulants. Another powerful for of an herbal diet pill is Ephedra. Once banned for it's potency (and a bad rap) it's ban has been lifted and is available once more.

Research the different diet pills available to determine which are right for you. Avoid diet pills that make ‘sweeping claims' because you may just end up disappointed with your results. Remember, in order to achieve sustainable weight loss while taking diet pills, you need to include a healthy eating plan and regular exercise.

by Todd Brenner

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ideal weight : The Ultimate Weight Loss Tool Box

Weight Loss Basics
The weight loss industry is full of hype and empty promises. Weight Loss Resources gets back to basics: eat more calories than you use you'll put on weight; use more than you eat and you'll lose it.

At Weight Loss Resources we've gathered all the calorie information, for food and exercise, and put it together with some brilliant, easy-to-use tools that enable you to bring your diet under control.

The Weight Loss Tools
Weight Loss Goal Setting
Find out where you are now, what is a healthy weight for you, how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight and how many to reach your weight loss goal at the rate you choose.

Food Diary
Your food diary starts the day with your calorie allowance, and, as you add things you've eaten, it tells you how many you have left. The Food Diary also keeps track of how many grams of protein, fat, carbohydrate and fibre you consume - and produces a pie chart to show you the balance of your diet.

Exercise Diary
Your Exercise Diary keeps track of the extra calories you burn during exercise. These calories are added to your Food Diary's calorie allowance for the day - great motivation to do a little exercise, and exercise helps weight loss.

You can calorie count your own recipes, or try some of Weight Loss Resources' recipes, all calorie counted and suitable for a weight loss diet.

Weight Loss Results
There's nothing so satisfying as a nice downward slope on a weight loss graph. You can record and track weight loss, inch loss and body fat percentage.

There are lots more tools in the Weight Loss Resources box - and you can try them free for three days.

Copyright © 2006 Weight Loss Resources Ltd.

ideal weight : Loose Skin after Weight Loss

I need to lose 7 stone and have finally decided to do something about it. However, I’m concerned that once I’ve lost weight I’ll be left with lots of sagging skin, especially around my stomach. I know exercise will help but at the moment I get tired just carrying my bulk around and anything that exerts me causes soreness and rubbing. What do you suggest?

A Well done on deciding to tackle your weight problem. As I’m sure you already know, half the battle is making the decision to lose weight. Now you’ve done that, you’re already well on the way to achieving your goal.

As you have a lot of weight to lose, I suggest you set yourself mini goals, for example, 1/2 stone at a time – achieving these smaller goals will help to keep you motivated. In the meantime, there’s plenty you can do to help reduce the chances of being left with excess loose skin.

You’re right when you say exercise will help prevent sagging skin after weight loss. While you might find it difficult right now, as the weight starts to come off, you’ll gradually feel more energetic and find it easier to exercise. For best results you should combine fat-burning aerobic activity to help shift the pounds with toning exercises to help the muscles shape up.

Once your doctor has given you the all clear to start exercising, I suggest you start by trying to walk as much as you can. As you lose weight and begin to feel fitter, aim to increase the distance and speed at which you walk. Once walking becomes easy, start to introduce a mixture of other aerobic activities such as swimming, cycling, jogging or classes, and toning activities such as light weights.

While fitness experts used to believe that sit ups were the best way to get a flat stomach, they now know you’ll get better results if you work all the muscles in your stomach, sides and back – the core muscles – rather than just the one that helps you bend! Pilates is a fantastic workout for toning these core muscles, as are stability balls which you can buy from good sports shops or over the internet.

Finally, you might like to use a body-firming cream each day to help keep your skin supple and smooth. Good luck!

By WLR Dietitian
Juliette Kellow BSc RD

Saturday, July 01, 2006

ideal weight : See Yourself Losing Weight

One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire?

You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight, or more importantly, not being able to lose weight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with weight loss... and keeping it off.

This is called physcological reversal. You say you want something, but your inner mind says just the opposite. You say you want to lose weight, but your mind says "it's too hard", "I can't do that", "never been able to do it, why now" or any other belief you've let settle in to your mind the past.

These beliefs in one way or another you've 'accepted' at some time in the past. You see, your subsconcious mind accepts anything you pass to it. It doesn't judge, analyze, reason, filter... nothing, it just accepts. If you've accepted in the past that it's too difficult to lose weight (for any reason), then almost any attempt to lose weight will fail unless you replace that negative belief.

Once you replace any old beliefs about weight loss, you can "picture" yourself at your ideal weight. And now, thanks to high tech, you can even do it right on your computer! Just visit and you can see your before and after pictures in almost real time! Brilliant idea. Just upload a current picture of yourself and the software will create a picture of what you you'll look like at your ideal weight (or a close resemblence). And by the way, it's free.

Keep the photo in a place where you can see it often and imagine yourself and how good you feel, the things you'll be doing and all the good feelings associated with your "new you".

by Mark Idzik

ideal weight : Keeping A Healthy Weight

These days, more and more people are placing importance on keeping physically healthy. This can be seen by the amount of people who are joining gyms and sports clubs, going on diets, and spending on private health insurance. One of the biggest areas of concern in this area for women is keeping a healthy weight, this is because it not only effects their overall level of physical health, but is also recognised as playing an important role in mental and emotional well being, and self perception as well.

Most people know that being both over weight and under weight are not good for you, but health is about far more than just body weight. Things such as your family medical history, your genetic predispositions, how much you drink or smoke, what type of food you eat and how much exercise you get all have a major impact on health. There really is no ideal weight therefore that you should be seeking on purely health grounds.

Using your weight as a measure of health therefore is not particularly useful. Obviously there are levels that will definitely be too high or too low, but within these limits, there is a huge range of healthy weights that people will fall into. Much of the worries that people feel regarding their weight are more to do with media images and glamorous advertisements than on what is considered healthy. We are surrounded by images and conceptions of beauty that distort our idea of what a healthy body should look like.

Many media images actually show people who are under weight, sometimes considerable underweight, and do not represent a healthy standard or good example to measure us against.

If you are genuinely concerned about health, then weight loss should not be the ultimate goal of all fitness efforts. You should try to cut down on cigarette and alcohol consumption, eat healthy food, get a reasonable amount of exercise, and generally take care of yourself. You do not need scientific advice and a professionally designed eating and exercise schedule. More likely what you need is common sense simple changes like snacking on fruits sometimes, walking to work, and visiting your doctor when recommended.

Doctor check ups are recommended at varying intervals depending on your age and health circumstances but it is wise to keep up to date with these checkups and not to fall into the trap of constantly procrastinating. If the cost of doctor visits is a serious issue that causes you to skip visits, then maybe you should consider a health insurance plan that will cover such checkups and just charge you an affordable monthly amount.

by Joseph Kenny