ideal weight

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Monday, June 26, 2006

ideal weight : Daily Weight Loss Motivation

When you are faced with the daily challenge of trying to lose weight, you will need to find ways to stay motivated every day. The factors that keep weight loss motivation high include your specific goals, your ability to envision what you want to achieve, and the degree of success you have in the beginning.

Daily motivation requires a special, concerted effort, and it is not always easy. One great way to keep weight loss motivation high is to find an Internet support group to check in with every day. There are many such chat groups and forums on the web.

Another idea is to keep a daily journal of your progress, struggles and success. You can keep a record of your daily diet or write in your journal about the journey and challenge of losing weight and the emotions connected to it.

Weight loss motivation will stay fresh with something tangible that you can look at to remind you of your goals. For example, you can tape a picture of yourself when you were at a more ideal weight to your refrigerator door. You can buy an outfit in your ideal size and hang it in your closet where you will see it every day. There are many books filled with affirmations and inspiration for dieters. Buy one, and read a bit of it every day.

The motivation to lose weight may not come from the same place every day. If you can develop some strategies for keeping your daily motivation high, you are much more likely to be successful and bounce back quickly if you have any setbacks. Whatever you ultimately see as your motivation for losing weight, you do not have to face the challenge alone.

There are resources and people available for anyone who takes the time to seek them. Make a daily commitment to do at least one thing in support of your goal, and you may soon find that the behaviors that support weight loss have become second nature to you!

by Ben E Sather

ideal weight : Are you trying to lose weight?

Are you trying to lose weight?

If you are, STOP!

Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right?

Actually, there's a good reason.

You see, you can't try to lose weight. Don't believe me?

OK, let's use an example. Look around where you are sitting right now and find a small object. Perhaps a pen, envelope or book. Got it?

Now, try to pick it up. Go ahead.

Is it in your hand? If it is, well, then you didn't try, you actually picked it up. If it's not in your hand, you didn't.

Simple, right?

There's no middle ground in doing. You can't "try" to do anything, it's a fallacy. You either do it, or don't do it.

The same applies to losing weight (or anything else for that matter). Saying that you'll try gives your mind fuzzy instructions, and it will return fuzzy results, results that aren't what you really want. It also gives you a "way out" if you don't achieve the goals you set out to reach.

You see, your subconscious mind doesn't interpret your directions, it just goes to work following them as complete truth. When you say you'll "try to lose weight", it will "try" to follow your instructions, which we now know is impossible.

What in fact you want, (if you really do) is to lose weight. To feel better. To have more energy. To overcome health challenges. To look great.

Now, if you say you want to lose weight and are not successful, or continue to use language that includes words like "try" or "we'll see" or "maybe", perhaps you're wired backwards.

What does that mean? Well, maybe you say that you want to lose weight, but your mind says it doesn't. Somewhere along the way you gave your mind instructions that it's too hard, or impossible, to lose the weight you want. Perhaps you're more comfortable where you are now, but know that it's the right thing to say that you want to lose weight. If this is the case, ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are at odds with what you want. For example, "it's too hard to lose weight", "it's impossible to lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I'd have to exercise all the time", "I'll lose my friends if I lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I've always failed".

Ask yourself if in fact they are true. Are they making your life easier, or more difficult? Do these beliefs serve you or harm you?

Then, replace the old beliefs with new ones. Positive, confident statements about how you want to look and feel.

The best way to lose weight is to avoid saying you'll "try" to lose weight, and say you "will" lose weight. See yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how great you look and feel. Use positive language and give your mind specific instructions like "I'm now happily at my ideal weight of (number of pounds) weight" or "I now happily choose to wear a size (your ideal size)".

Watch your language and self talk closely and avoid using "try". It may take constant attention at the beginning, but after a short time, you'll get used to keeping your language positive, upbeat and confident.

Your weight loss results will follow immediately, depending on how confident, committed and persistent you are in applying these exercises. The more confident, committed and persistent, the faster your results will appear.

You CAN do it!

by Mark Idzik

Saturday, June 17, 2006

ideal weight : Getting Rid of Bad Nutritional Habits

A bad habit is like second nature and is acquired over a long
period of time. Bad habits are programmed into the
subconscious and "will power" alone will not get rid of it. Many
try using all sorts of different ways to break it but without success.

Obesity is the result of bad nutritional habits and some of the
causes are boredom, stress, tension and different complexes.
Food becomes the substitution for these causes and before too
long, obesity sets in. Most people become concerned that
they're obese, eat more and a vicious cycle is established.

The only way for lasting permanent weight loss is to break these
bad habits and replace them with positive new ones, and the
only way to do this is with visualization. Visualization puts you in
charge of your subconscious where all these bad programs are

All the will power in the world is not going to break these bad
habits unless one has the help of their subconscious.


Relaxation the best way to reach the sub-conscious and will
slow down the mind, turn off the exterior world so as to tune in to
one's inner self. The best times for these sessions are in the
morning and late at night right, just before going to sleep.

Try performing two sessions, one in the afternoon (primary) and
the other before going to sleep (secondary) but once a day is
quite sufficient. Sessions usually last 20 minutes, which isn't
time consuming especially when taking in the benefits received.

When you begin your relaxation sessions, make sure you won't
be disturbed - lock the door, take the phone off the hook and
loosen all clothing. Now find a comfortable position, whether it is
lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair.

Sitting may be preferable as you may fall asleep if you become
too comfortable. You want to be conscious and not asleep in
order to tap into your sub-conscious mind.

Try to exhale all the air from your lungs completely and then
breathing in through the nose. Take ten seconds to fill the lungs
with air (not to capacity, but comfortable) hold for ten seconds
and then exhale slowly through the nose for another ten

Each one of these breathing cycles should last for 30 seconds,
complete five cycles and after each cycle you will be feeling
more and more relaxed.

If you are sitting, open your eyes and look straight ahead. If you
are lying down, open your eyes and stare at the ceiling. After a
few minutes, slowly close your eyes.

Having reaching this calm relaxed state start your visualizations.
Put together images that power your emotions. Make them alive
and colourful. Make the scenes as real as possible and imagine
yourself as slim and toned the way you will look after successful
weight loss.

Picture yourself ten weeks from now on the beach, walking
briskly and confidently to your favourite spot, your breathing is
normal and relaxed. You smile to yourself; you could keep
walking like this for miles without feeling fatigued.

You lay your towel out and begin to take your clothes off
revealing a firm, toned, well conditioned body. You have just
bought a brand new swimming suit which just weeks before
would have been lying in your closet waiting to be used.

Glancing around you notice the beach is busy, you catch the eye
of someone of the opposite sex, they smile at you and you smile
back. You walk confidently to the water and swim a couple of
hundred yards with no problem or fatigue.

Or try this:

Visualize your family and friends complimenting you about how
good your body looks and how slim you look. Try to view the
scene as it is happening this instant - in the present, not in the

Using these visualizations you can construct in your mind any
scene that desire. See yourself exercising, socializing, in the
company of friends. Try and hear people complimenting you
about your slim new body, and watch their admiring glances.
Make the mental image as real as possible.

* Remember set a goal for your ideal weight
* You must want to lose weight
* Visualize yourself at your ideal weight
* Use positive images at every opportunity

Now that you are armed with this information practice these
sessions on a daily basis and over a period of ten weeks you'll
be on your way to become a happier and leaner person.

by Gary Matthews

ideal weight : A Guide To Positive Imaging For Weight Loss

Have you ever imagined how visualization can play an
important part in losing weight and maintaining a healthy
lifestyle that keeps it off. Losing weight can be difficult for many
people who use fad diets and pills to achieve their weight loss
goals without letting their mind help in the process.

Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you make
lasting lifestyle changes. Just by "day dreaming", you can
significantly improve your chances in achieving your goals.

Visualization is a great weight loss tool and its as simple as
visualizing your body as you want your body to look like.

This mental image of yourself is then transferred to your
subconscious mind, which in turn starts to work on your body,
shaping it in accordance with your mental image thus reducing
your weight.

This means that if you program your subconscious with a mental
image of yourself as a slimmer person, through persistence your
mind will accept this and aid your body to conform to this mental

Once your mind is programmed with the proper mental images,
it will start to work in assisting you to losing weight. I can't stress
enough how important it is for you to believe in your
visualization goals.

You have to let go of past dieting failures and refuse to entertain
any negative images that come into your mind.

If you can visualize your body at its perfect weight and
proportions, the subconscious mind will work to make it become
a reality. It will then begin to positively reinforce your body into
aiding the metabolism and eating habits.

Programming your mind into believing that you can lose weight,
and to visualize yourself at your ideal weight is of the greatest

Try to think of a different image of yourself, then let your
subconscious do the work for you. If you think of your own body
fat and being out of shape all the time, then the subconscious
mind will find ways to make it so.

The subconscious looks after all of all your vital functions, it is
the cause of all your good and bad habits, and also regulates
muscle (the muscles are controlled by the subconscious) and
body-fat composition on the body, and the latter is the one we
are most interested in.

So please try to visualize your body as lean as you would like,
and your mind will work on that image. The mind can be a great
partner in losing weight.

by Gary Matthews

Monday, June 12, 2006

ideal weight : Are You Really Overweight?

If you are overweight, you know it by how you feel, how your clothes fit or how you look. But, by how much are you really overweight? And how much weight do you need to lose? One measure of how much you should weight is by determining your Body Mass Index, BMI. This index gives you the relationship of your weight to your height. Here is the formula:

Your BMI = [(yourWeight)/(your Height x your Height)] x 705

If you weight 143 lbs and are 64 in tall, then

your BMI = [(143) / (64 x 64)] x 705 = 26.2. Based on the chart below a BMI of 26.2 is overweight.

· underweight, BMI = 18.5
· normal weight BMI = 18.5 - 24.9
· overweight BMI = 25 - 29.9
· slight obesity BMI = 30 - 34.9
· obese BMI = 35 - 39.9
· excess obese = BMI = greater than 40

If we consider the normal BMI number to be 21.5 then you can compute approximately how much weight you should lose using the same BMI formula but by changing things around in the formula,
(your ideal Weight) = [(normal BMI / 705) x (your Height x your Height)]

For the example above if you have a BMI = 26.2 and the normal BMI number = 21.5, then,

(your ideal Weight) = [(21.5/705) x (64 x 64)] = 124.91

you should weight 124.91 lbs. That means you need to lose (143 -124.9) lbs = 18.1 lbs.

Try to get your BMI below 25. Under this number, you can expect to have good heath if you are eating the right kinds of food and exercising regularly. If your BMI is greater than 28, you are more likely to have cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and many other diseases related to a toxic colon.

Keep track of your waistline. Your waistline, if you are a man, should be less than 35 ". For women it should be less than 30". As your waistline get larger you become more susceptible to diseases. Of course, waistlines are going to vary because people have different shapes. But you know if your waistline to big for your shape.

Now you should know how much weight you need to lose. Beside your waistline, you should also measure bust/chest, hips, and thighs.. This gives you an indication how your body is changing. As you lose fat you may not lose weight for a while. Your body will become toned as you exercise. The weight scale does not always tell you that your body is changing and losing weight.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies That work." You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues which give you information of how to have better health. Read his latest newsletter at:

Copyright Rudy Silva

ideal weight : 3 Steps You Must Take To Lose Weight Now

Lots of us are over our ideal weight, and getting heavier all the time. It isn't necessarily easy to lose weight, but it can be done. There are a few simple steps you can take to make your journey successful.

1. Understand nutrition

If you really want to lose weight you have to know something about nutrition.

Nutrition really just means what you are putting into your mouth.

It is not enough to follow the latest diet fad. You have to know what you are eating.

If not, you can be fooled. How do you really know what is right for you and what isn't? How do you figure out why a new diet failed? Or what worked that you need to continue?

It all starts with learning something about nutrition, what you are eating.

2. Make a plan.

Once you know something about nutrition, you have to make a plan.

It doesn't have to be complicated, but you have to have some idea of where you are going.

You just take the basics and figure out how you are going to use them.

For example, if you learned what protein is and why you need it, now you need to figure out where you are going to get the protein you need.

It may be as simple as cooking some chicken breasts to have in your lunch for the week. It might be a proteing bar in your purse or briefcase.

It won't do you much good to know what you need, only to look around when you get hungry and all you can find is potato chips and coke.

A little planniing goes along ways toward reaching your goals.

3. Keep your eye on your goal.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to keep you eye on your goal.

You are probably going to have some ups and downs; most people do. But don't let them throw you off.

Learn what you need to know about what you eat, make a plan, and then keep your mind on your goal. The little slips, the little backslides, don't worry about these things.

Look at the larger picture. Make a decision to about how you want to look and what you want to do with your life.

So you lost 20 pounds and gained back 2, or 3, or 5. It happens. But you've still made progress. Don't give up.

Expect the little setbacks. They happen to everyone. Don't let it get you down. And you will succeed.

Follow these steps, learn something about nutrition, make a plan, and stick to it. And you will finally have the body you always wanted!

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan is Dan Curtis, M.D. He is a writer, researcher and teacher. He is Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of South Florida School of Medicine.

Dr. Dan is the author of Dr. Dan's Super Weight Loss Plan, a scientifically proven, thoroughly tested program for permanent weight loss.

Copyright 2005 Dan Curtis.

Friday, June 09, 2006

ideal weight : 4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Are you just plain fed up because you haven't lost weight for a
long time now on that latest fad diet, well please stop! Don't
even think about trying another diet, because it will only
produce the same results as you have already seen before.

Have a look at the four sure fire tips found below that are
based on "Scientific Principles" that have always been
around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss
programs you see these days.

So let's have a look:

1. Increasing Your Metabolism

In order to produce Sustained, Permanent and Long-Term
Weight Loss, it's imperative that you boost your metabolism.
And the most effective way to raise your metabolism is to
have a greater proportion of functional muscle on your body.

The only way to build this lean muscle so you can raise your
metabolism is through "Strength Training". There's no other
method that works wonders on the Metabolism like Strength

By performing Strength Training, you'll effectively increase the
amount of functional lean muscle on your body so that your
metabolism will elevate.

After a Strength Training session your body will undergo a
significant increase or "Spike" in Metabolism, which will allow
you to burn much more fat then you were able to before.

2. It's All About Lean Muscle

"The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the
more lean muscle your body can hold."

If your muscle system can sustain more energy and use this
energy significantly when performing strength training, then it
will be able to burn off the calories you eat and the excess fat
on your body.

In other words, if your muscles become stronger and can hold
more energy then you should be able to release this energy
more efficiently to increase your metabolism, and to burn off
excess calories that you have eaten.

Once we can build more lean muscle through our own
strength, then our bodies will become more efficient at
burning fat.

It's also the amount of lean muscle on your body that makes
you look good Once you burn off the excess fat from your
body, the lean muscle underneath your skin will be exposed
making you look healthy, energetic, and well toned.

3. Decrease Your Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the
excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted
diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body
holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater
muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat
would not only return but actually increase because to the
lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a
small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation
mechanisms from clicking in.

You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and
writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work
out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide
this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories
per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and
the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be
consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

4. Fast Walking Burns Fat

All you need to do now is incorporate "Fast Walking" into your
weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat.

Not only is fast walking better much easier on the hips, but it
also produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to
jogging or running.

Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.

* Easy to Perform
* Most Conventional
* All Natural Body Movement
* Doesn't Cause Injuries
* Can Be Done Anywhere
* The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss

"I can't stress enough how Fast Walking is necessary in every
weight loss program."

by Gary Matthews

ideal weight : Ideal Weight for Men

What is the Ideal Body Weight for Men
Really there is no such thing as an ideal weight for men. At best there is only a healthy weight range. According to doctors the healthy weight range for men is a Body Mass Index of between 19 and 24.9. With a larger frame and greater muscle-fat ratio, you should be in the upper part of the weight range. (See Fig 1. below) See also: Calorie Needs for Men

Ideal Weight for Men - Body Mass Index Gender Problem
The Body Mass Index does not distinguish between men and women. An alternative method of calculating an ideal/ healthy weight for men is to base it on fat percentage. The University of Wisconsin Medical School has developed an ideal weight chart which reflects a healthy body-fat percentage. (See Fig 2. below)

Ideal Weight = Healthy Weight Range = BMI 19-24.9
Fig 1. Weight Range - BMI 19-24.9
(ft/inches) Weight Range
5' 0" 97-127
5' 1" 100-132
5' 2" 103-136
5' 3" 107-140
5' 4" 110-145
5' 5" 113-149
5' 6" 117-154
5' 7" 121-159
5' 8" 124-164
5' 9" 128-168
5' 10" 132-173
5' 11" 135-178
6' 0" 139-183
6' 1" 143-189
6' 2" 147-194
6' 3" 151-199
6' 4" 155-204

Ideal Weight for Men Based on Body-Fat Percent

Fig 2. Ideal Weight for Men (University of Wisconsin)
(ft/inches) Ideal Weight
5' 0" 106
5' 1" 112
5' 2" 118
5' 3" 124
5' 4" 130
5' 5" 136
5' 6" 142
5' 7" 148
5' 8" 154
5' 9" 160
5' 10" 166
5' 11" 172
6' 0" 178
6' 1" 184
6' 2" 190
6' 3" 196
6' 4" 202

A Note on Ideal Weight and Body-Fat Percent
An accurate measurement of your body-fat percent can be performed by underwater weighing, skin-fold caliper, or bioelectrical impedance. Meanwhile, here are some guidelines.

Fig 3. Guidelines for Percent Body Fat
Women Men
Normal 15-25 percent 10-20 percent
Overweight 25.1-29.9 percent 20.1-24.9 percent
Obese Over 30 percent Over 25 percent
© 2000-2005 Anne Collins. All rights reserved.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

ideal weight : 10 Tips On Losing Weight Fast

Before jumping into a diet, you must determine your ideal weight. This will be your guide on your weight loss journey. "Fast" weight loss doesn't imply that you drop 50 pounds overnight; a few pounds can take months to shed and for obese individuals, it can take years to lose the desired amount of weight. How fast you lose weight will depend on how focused you are on your diet.

Here are some simple steps to help you lose weight:

1.Before dieting, you must know how many calories you normally need in a day. If you are sedentary, multiply your weight (in pounds) by fifteen. If you are moderately active, multiply your weight by seventeen; if you are active, multiply your weight by twenty. This will give you the average calorie intake you need per day.

2.Remember to eat your fruits and veggies! You need at least five servings of them per day – doing this will put you on the right track to a healthy body, because fruits and vegetables have beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They also fill up your stomach fast so that you don't overeat and take into many calories.

3.Monitor the quantity of food you eat. Avoid high-calorie foods and eat in small portions. A helpful tip is to chew your food slowly because this makes digestion easy on your body and you will also be less likely to overeat.

4.Don't skip meals. When you want to lose weight it may be tempting to starve yourself – but eating small amounts of food frequently can help you maintain a healthy, balanced calorie intake throughout the day. Also, your blood sugar level will be adversely affected if you don't eat often. You can even divide the standard allotment of three meals into five or six smaller meals.

5.Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal – packaged and processed foods have high sodium and fat content. You are more likely to lose weight if you eat naturally fresh foods.

6.Don't limit your food intake too much. Go ahead and indulge yourself; eat your favorite treat. It's okay to have that slice of birthday cake at the occasional party. Just make sure to eat in moderation and use those special desserts as rewards, instead of enemies, to your weight loss experience.

7.Don't always believe everything you read on a food label. "Fat free" does not necessarily mean low calories. The same wisdom goes for foods that boast "low sugar" or "low carbs." Glance over the nutrition label – there you'll find the calorie count.

8.Try to limit the number of juices and sugary beverages you drink. Instead, drink eight glasses water a day – this flushes out your body's toxins and waste.

9.If possible, keep a food journal. This will help you keep track of your calorie intake and will be a daily reminder of the types of foods you need.

10.Don't forget to exercise! Thirty to sixty minutes of physical activity a day will ensure your health and help you lose weight (and not to mention, firm up those muscles). Weight-bearing exercises are especially great ways to burn those pesky calories.

by Kathryn Whittaker

ideal weight : 10 Steps To Look Younger

The secret of the youth has been searched since long time ago. Many researchers have done some experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process.

There are some techniques which have been implemented, but the most important things for us to do are being consistent in implementing healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

We can't stop the natural change, but we can still look younger if we want to work hard to slow down the aging process.

Therefore, I'm going to help you with 10 easy steps to make you look younger:

Detox – It's important to start detoxification, getting rid of toxin from our body. Our body metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life we are exposed to so many chemical hazards from air, food and environment. Fasting or just consuming fruits and vegetables are ways to detoxify our body.

Sleep – Having enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having a good sleep is also important because growth hormone is working during that time. It renews the old cell of our body, include the skin cell. Our skin will look fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Food – Eating healthy and safe food everyday will make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are important food to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Exercise – Through routine exercise, we will feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also increases our bone density and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years younger. Beside aerobic, walking, and swimming, goes also to the gym to do lifting exercise.

Relax – By trying to be relaxed, our face will look younger. Stress and worries appear on our face. If we can manage our stress and feel at peace, our face will look younger and attractive.

Be Positive – A positive mind and affirmation we said can bring positive life to us. Negative thought tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is one way to make positive thoughts.

Medical Check-up - Just like a car, our body also needs attention and care so it can work well everyday. Having routine medical checkups during our healthy time is important to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

Active Life – Always try to be active during your life. Activities can increase health; and if you are in your elder age, your memory will increase too.

Social Life – Happy social life can increases our spirit, bring peaceful mind, and make us feel and look younger. Communication with our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can bring happiness to us.

Performance - Start to look at our performance. Is our body weight ideal for us? If not, try to fix that to the best ideal weight. Also look to the skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are important as they will show our age. Looks good and feels good will increase our performance.

by Riana Lance

Thursday, June 01, 2006

ideal weight : About the "Peoples Choice" Ideal Weight formula.( 2 )

The publication by Drs Crawford and Campbell1 emphasized the following observations, which are worthy of repeating.

Many men tend to think that their ideal weight is near-to or higher-than a BMI of 25, which is the upper limit of the "medical" non-overweight range. This indicates that men generally under-appreciate the adverse medical risks of being overweight, including diabetes and heart attacks.
The vast majority of women tend to think that their ideal weight is lower than required to be within the non-overweight range.
The heavier that people currently are, the heavier they believe their ideal weight to be. This turns out to be reasonable, because weight from skeletal muscle and bone density also increases with total body weight, up to a certain point.
Are overweight people able to judge their ideal weight as well as non-overweight people? Click here for further discussion of overweight ideal.

Why do Men and Women have different ideas of ideal weight? Click here for further discussion of men and women.

Limitations of the Peoples Choice Ideal Weight Calculator
The PeoplesChoice Ideal Weight Calculator uses the formulas shown above for Adults, but not for Children. For ages under 18.5 years, the calculator substitutes the 50th percentile weight, according to height, age and gender, determined from NHANES III data. Doing so provides results that have a smooth junction between Adults and Children, for persons of normal weight. This approach is not entirely satisfactory for overweight kids, unfortunately.

This calculator does not have a way to provide reasonable results for people who have extra muscles, such as for bodybuilders or atheletes.

By Steven B. Halls, MD

ideal weight : About the "Peoples Choice" Ideal Weight formula

The "Peoples Choice" formula for Ideal Weight was designed by Dr. SB Halls. Its origins and justification are described on this page. The formula tries to predict what other similar people would choose as their own ideal weight.
Back to the Ideal Weight calculator

The formula is partly based on the publication by Dr. D. Crawford and K. Campbell1, entitled "Lay definitions of ideal weight and overweight", from the International Journal of Obesity in 1999. That article published data from an Australian survey which asked people to describe their own perceptions of "ideal weight" and "overweight".

People were asked: " Ideally, how much would you like to weigh at the moment?"

The study found that peoples Age and current Weight, correlated with the weight they considered to be ideal. In other words, the heavier people currently are, the heavier they believe their ideal weight is. And older they are, the heavier they set their own ideal weight.

The data from the Crawford and Campbell study is shown in the charts below. The authors published their data in units of Body Mass Index ( BMI = kg/m2). Since BMI = weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared , their use of BMI allows their data to be applicable to adults with a broad range of height stature.

In the "Age vs Ideal Body Mass Index" chart (above), notice that Men's mean ideal BMI has less slope than women. Age has little influence on Mens percieved ideal weight, but Age has more influence over how Women perceive their ideal weight.

The second data source for the Peoples Choice Ideal Weight formula, is from the NHANES III study3 which provided a very large dataset of the American population's height and weights. Correlating the two studies, mens Age does not appear to be an independent variable in how men describe their ideal weight, while mens current BMI strongly influences with their perceived ideal weight. In women, both Age and current weight independently influence their perceived ideal weight.

Using the published data from the Australian study and the more detailed data of Americans from the NHANES III study, Dr. SB Halls created a formula in February 2002, which uses a persons Age, Gender, Height and Current Weight, to predict the mean body weight that a similar average person would say they considered as their "Ideal". This formula calculates the "Peoples Choice ideal BMI" (in kg/m2), which can then be converted to an ideal body Weight (in kilograms), by multiplying by height (in meters) squared. Weight in kilograms can be converted to pounds by multiplying by 2.2046.

Men Ideal BMI = 0.5 * kg/m2 + 11.5

Women Ideal BMI = 0.4 * kg/m2 + 0.03*Age + 11

By Steven B. Halls, MD