ideal weight

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ideal weight : The Ultimate Weight Loss Tool Box

Weight Loss Basics
The weight loss industry is full of hype and empty promises. Weight Loss Resources gets back to basics: eat more calories than you use you'll put on weight; use more than you eat and you'll lose it.

At Weight Loss Resources we've gathered all the calorie information, for food and exercise, and put it together with some brilliant, easy-to-use tools that enable you to bring your diet under control.

The Weight Loss Tools
Weight Loss Goal Setting
Find out where you are now, what is a healthy weight for you, how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight and how many to reach your weight loss goal at the rate you choose.

Food Diary
Your food diary starts the day with your calorie allowance, and, as you add things you've eaten, it tells you how many you have left. The Food Diary also keeps track of how many grams of protein, fat, carbohydrate and fibre you consume - and produces a pie chart to show you the balance of your diet.

Exercise Diary
Your Exercise Diary keeps track of the extra calories you burn during exercise. These calories are added to your Food Diary's calorie allowance for the day - great motivation to do a little exercise, and exercise helps weight loss.

You can calorie count your own recipes, or try some of Weight Loss Resources' recipes, all calorie counted and suitable for a weight loss diet.

Weight Loss Results
There's nothing so satisfying as a nice downward slope on a weight loss graph. You can record and track weight loss, inch loss and body fat percentage.

There are lots more tools in the Weight Loss Resources box - and you can try them free for three days.

Copyright © 2006 Weight Loss Resources Ltd.


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