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Sunday, July 30, 2006

ideal weight : Bulimia Nervosa

Eating disorders can be classified into three types - anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and obesity. The first two deals with women who are extremely conscious with the way they look, hence trying to maintain a very light weight bordering on malnutrition. The last one is an uncontrollable compulsion for eating thus leading to a weight that is way above their ideal weight.

On one hand, anorexia nervosa is a condition wherein the person suffering from it is constantly afraid of gaining weight. On the other hand, one afflicted with bulimia nervosa has the tendency to go on a binge or consuming lots of food over a short period of time, then later on tries to purge herself so as to prevent putting on additional weight. Purging may be done in any of the following methods - throwing up or the use of pills such as laxatives so that digested food is right away expelled from the body.

Bulimia nervosa generally affects the female populace who is more conscious with their appearance. Normally, bulimics, or people suffering from bulimia nervosa, are teenagers or young women. Bingeing as well purging are done in secrecy, as they are ashamed and disgusted with their attitude of eating so much and then throwing it all up. In addition to purging, a bulimic usually follows a strict diet and exercise as a way to maintaining her ideal weight. Someone with bulimia nervosa is harder to detect than an anorexic since the former may have a normal weight or can be underweight or overweight while the latter is apparently underweight.

What triggers a person to suffer from bulimia nervosa cannot be pinpointed exactly as it is the result of a number of factors. This is an eating disorder that deals with food but is not all about the consumption of it. A young girl who lacks confidence in the way she looks has the tendency to be dissatisfied with her body thus she tries to do something about it. Though she enjoys eating a great amount of food, she feels guilty afterwards about her weight. This is the reason why she resorts to purging after every meal and running to the bathroom to do it. Becoming bulimic may also be tied to the family's health history such that it is not surprising to find a family where eating disorders are common among the members.

The occurrence of bulimia nervosa can be prevented and in case you are already suffering from it, you can be cured. Seeking medical attention should be your priority as the health professionals are in a better position to evaluate your condition. Your doctor will be able to evaluate you properly so that the necessary medications and therapies will be administered to you. You will probably have to take supplements in order to replenish your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The support as well as the encouragement of your family is very important as you may need someone to talk to about how you are feeling while suffering from this eating disorder. The road to recovery will be difficult as relapses may occur, but self-control and perseverance should play key roles in beating this disorder.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Eating Disorders

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