ideal weight

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Qi Gong an exercise to ideal body weight

To get the ideal body weight and people who wanted to lose some weight, the most important is to see to your food intake. If you are above the ideal weight scale just cut on your calories out of your diet. Exercise is also an important ways to maintain your ideal weight, As a lots of exercise will help a person to shed aways their calories.

Most people who are over weight join clubs or group people in your area when practicing Qi Gong. Just 30 minutes or a hour exercise daily will help you to maintain your ideal body weight and also to stay healthy. Qi Gongs are said to be good in internal healing exercise which improves the energy flow of our internal organs. Helping to increase our energy and reduce stress and fatigue, improve core strength. Qi Gong also increase our body's capacity to absorb oxygen.
