ideal weight

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Monday, June 12, 2006

ideal weight : 3 Steps You Must Take To Lose Weight Now

Lots of us are over our ideal weight, and getting heavier all the time. It isn't necessarily easy to lose weight, but it can be done. There are a few simple steps you can take to make your journey successful.

1. Understand nutrition

If you really want to lose weight you have to know something about nutrition.

Nutrition really just means what you are putting into your mouth.

It is not enough to follow the latest diet fad. You have to know what you are eating.

If not, you can be fooled. How do you really know what is right for you and what isn't? How do you figure out why a new diet failed? Or what worked that you need to continue?

It all starts with learning something about nutrition, what you are eating.

2. Make a plan.

Once you know something about nutrition, you have to make a plan.

It doesn't have to be complicated, but you have to have some idea of where you are going.

You just take the basics and figure out how you are going to use them.

For example, if you learned what protein is and why you need it, now you need to figure out where you are going to get the protein you need.

It may be as simple as cooking some chicken breasts to have in your lunch for the week. It might be a proteing bar in your purse or briefcase.

It won't do you much good to know what you need, only to look around when you get hungry and all you can find is potato chips and coke.

A little planniing goes along ways toward reaching your goals.

3. Keep your eye on your goal.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to keep you eye on your goal.

You are probably going to have some ups and downs; most people do. But don't let them throw you off.

Learn what you need to know about what you eat, make a plan, and then keep your mind on your goal. The little slips, the little backslides, don't worry about these things.

Look at the larger picture. Make a decision to about how you want to look and what you want to do with your life.

So you lost 20 pounds and gained back 2, or 3, or 5. It happens. But you've still made progress. Don't give up.

Expect the little setbacks. They happen to everyone. Don't let it get you down. And you will succeed.

Follow these steps, learn something about nutrition, make a plan, and stick to it. And you will finally have the body you always wanted!

Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan is Dan Curtis, M.D. He is a writer, researcher and teacher. He is Assistant Professor of Medicine at University of South Florida School of Medicine.

Dr. Dan is the author of Dr. Dan's Super Weight Loss Plan, a scientifically proven, thoroughly tested program for permanent weight loss.

Copyright 2005 Dan Curtis.


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