ideal weight

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

ideal weight : Tips to make your weight loss permanent

Tens of thousands of people have lost weight listening to Ideal Weight. Here are the secrets for those who have lost the most:

You must consciously and subconsciously decide you want to reach and maintain your idea weight. For your conscious mind, declare "With each moment that passes, I am reaching and maintaining my ideal weight!" Repeat this personal declaration every day. Listening to Ideal Weight will handle the subconscious desire.

While the CD will help you rediscover and follow the internal signals to automatically adjust the amount and types of food you eat, you must do everything you can to support it. In other words, make a concerted effort to change your lifestyle around eating. Do a little more activity in your life such as parking further from the grocery store so you can walk a little more or use the stairs instead of an elevator when you have just one or two flights. Of course, the more you do, the better you will feel.

Accept weight loss in small doses. Ideal Weight works best when you lose one percent of your weight each week. Going for more weight loss often is the recipe for weight gain in the future. Go slow and steady and you will be able to maintain the course for your life!

That's it. The process absolutely works.

Here are inspiring stories!

A customer who is a nurse always ate dessert in the hospital cafeteria for lunch. The day after his first listening of Ideal Weight, he took the dessert as usual. After eating his meal, however, he offered it to others. He said it was the first time in his life that he didn't eat dessert that was in front of him.

It was all automatic! All he did was listen to the recording and he automatically adjusted his behavior.

Another customer always bakes a pie for Friday night dinner. A second piece is served while the family watches their favorite television show. A couple of days after first listening to Ideal Weight she baked the Friday night pie. She served her family the "television" piece and sat down with her own piece. She cut her fork into it and brought it to her mouth. She thoroughly enjoyed the moment, but thought there was something else she wanted. She went to the fridge and grabbed a bowl of broccoli leaving her pie on the counter.

She did not realize what had happened until the next day. She felt that was the biggest breakthrough of her life. Her body automatically signaled a desire for something else, and she followed it. She said it was easy and wonderful.

One session of Ideal Weight will help you lose weight while the other helps with problem areas such as lunchtime buffets or extra butter on the potato or Friday night pie.

Listen to one session each day for eight days. Then listen to it once or twice a week until you reach your ideal weight.

A small minority of our customers will not have success. But we will work with you and coach you into weight loss. If this person is you, you will be asked to reevaluate what is going on in your life. If you have guilt or self-esteem problems about yourself or your body, listen to the Self-Esteem Supercharger Paraliminal CD. If you have heavy behavioral problems around eating, get the New Behavior Generator. If there are issues from your past that need resolving, use the New History Generator.

Life is too short. Quit playing games with your body. Listen the Ideal Weight and discover what you have been searching for.

Dear Paul, You have made losing weight fun, effortless, and thoroughly energizing. I lost 50 pounds using your CDs and loved every minute of it. I have always thought losing weight should be an easier, more natural process than the torture I have experienced in the past. Your CDs have made this possible. Sure I exercise more and eat less, but the experience has been in complete harmony with my body rather than contrived and unnatural. I feel terrific and receive compliments everywhere I go. Thank you. Thank you! I appreciate the dedication and creativity you have shown your work to me.

© 1988-2006 Tools for Wellness by Tools for Exploration Inc.


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